
The Bumble bear

The Bumble bear is a lovely story for toddlers about greedy bear Norman. He loves honey very much, as every bear does. When the honey reserve is finished, to get a new supply is not easy but  it is worth it.: „If only I could be a bee,” – Norman sighs, „I could have as much honey as I liked„. One day he comes up with a crazy idea. He changes into a great big bee , „from a land, far far away called … GIANT BEE LAND” and he signs up to school for bees. It is a huge surprise for the little insects because they have never seen such a big bee. Norman enthusiastically takes part in all the activities.. The school turns out to be great fun. The bees give their  new ‘friend” trust and sympathy, except one smart bee. Amelia senses a trick but she is not listened to by the others, so she sets a trap. Inevitably, Norman is caught and he is recognized as a bear and finally he is expelled from the school. The end of the story is good. Norman saves the beehive and all the bees, and becomes a hero. He can attend to school under special conditions, as a bumble bear.

The characters and their personalities are not a surprise but it is comforting for kids. This formula seems to confirm what they already know from other fairy tales (the bear is always after honey, and the bees are always defending their gold treasures). Sentences are easy to read, fonts are changing as needed: smaller, bigger, bold, and they are put in an appropriate shape or place on the page. All these effects help to show different emotions. The pictures are just colorful enough for younger book enthusiasts.


The Bumble bear, Nadia Shireen, A Jonathan Cape Book, pages 32, age 3+

I bought the book in Kofifi . This is a well know place for kids in Żoliborz.

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